When David originally started researching the article series that would become the basis for Where Have All The Emails Gone?, his plan was to explore what appeared to be some simple questions about email usage and management in the White House. Instead, he discovered that something as seemingly benign as White House email can have freaky national security consequences.
Reviews of Where Have All The Emails Gone?
"David Gewirtz, Editor-in-Chief of DominoPower and OutlookPower, recently published a book entitled, Where Have All The Emails Gone? David sent me a copy of the book a couple of weeks ago, and I couldn’t put it down. He’s written it in a very engaging tech writer kind of style, but he doesn’t go too deep into the bits and bytes of DNS, MX records, or the like."
"Thanks for your wonderful essay Where Have All The Emails Gone? Best piece on the issue I’ve read yet."
"David Gewirtz, author of the book Where Have All The Emails Gone? has pioneered a new form of investigative reporting by taking a technical look at the White House email infrastructure. I recommend Gewirtz’ book to anyone who wants a non-partisan understanding of the White House email mess"
"A detective story that reads like a ‘Dummies’ book for the technically challenged, Where Have All The Emails Gone? relied upon good old fashioned shoe-leather reporting to tell the story of the missing emails and using the public record in attempting to solve the mystery."
"Gewirtz holds the reader’s interest by laying out his findings in a manner that shows both his passion for the subject matter and the potential consequences of what he found. He tells an engaging, true story that will provide both security and IT professionals much food for thought."
"Paced like a thriller, Where Have All The E-mails Gone? is the most comprehensive analysis of White House email ever published."
"The definitive account about the circumstances that led to the loss of administration emails."
This book reads like a scary thriller. Crossing political and technical lines with confidence and abandon, Gewirtz weaves a story that will raise the eyebrows – and the neck hairs – of everyone who reads it. His scythe of scrutiny cuts both parties to ribbons and lurking beneath all the drama is the nagging question, "It’s 10:07 p.m. Do you know where your government’s email is?"
There’s something scary about the way the White House handles its email. In this book, David uses the techology of email and the Internet to show us what’s really going on, and how to fix it. This is a real-life techno-detective story, with real-world ramifications. Read it if you care about our national security.
"Where Have All The Emails Gone?" raises all the right questions about email security and records retention in the White House. Ignoring these questions puts the Executive Branch at risk while jeopardizing the true public historical record. I hope this book prods all branches of the U.S. Government to get with the 21st century. This is mandatory reading for every 2008 Presidential candidate.
"A fascinating look at the the technical details behind the "missing" White House emails by David Gewirtz, a former professor of computer science who has lectured at UC Berkeley."
"David Gewirtz’s report…makes for scary reading."
"If you’re in charge of managing an email platform, I recommend that you read this book."
"David Gewirtz: One of his predictions comes true…You have to read the entire article to get the full effect. but this may raise the hairs on the back of your neck…You have to hand it to Gewirtz for reporting on the continuing saga of White House email. Most of the "mainstream media" has already left the scene for some titillating news story out of Hollywood, but he keeps his attention on the ball."
"Email can be boring, but not when delivered in such a fine novel expose. And the topic will grab you, make you want to call your Congressman, and demand action and accountability."
"Check out the companion Web site and think about reading the book – it’s a useful survey of some important email market dynamics, and also an objective (and mostly nonpartisan) assessment of what appears to be incredibly bad IT policy within the White House."
"If you find some time to read, check out Where Have All The Emails Gone?, and by all means set aside some time for Tolstoy’s Anna as well. The former is a quick and intriguing read, and as significant as the classic Russian novel."
"This is an outstanding job of investigative reporting and of providing answers, in advance, for all of the ridiculous excuses and hand-waving explanations the Bush Regime’s spokespersons have attempted and will continue to attempt as they try to bamboozle their way out of yet another monumental scandal."
"This is a must read for anyone who is involved in the messaging industry and wants to learn from the mistakes of a botched real-world compliance, retention and archiving installation."
"Scary reading for anyone who cares about America’s security. This isn’t a partisan or crazy conspiracy book, email is something that every Executive in the last 20 years has made serious mistakes with, and David ends with recommendations on how to improve the current dire situation."
"If you are interested, David Gewirtz of DominoPower wrote a very thorough story on the matter. It even resulted in a book Where Have All The Emails Gone? Admins will love this book, but even us devs can get a lot out of it. Highly recommended."
"David is a good writer. He explains a lot of technical details about archiving and the White House in ways that make it sound like a thriller. You do not need to be technical to follow it. If you get a chance, find a copy."
Reviews of The Flexible Enterprise
"Constantly evaluating and changing your business is what being a flexible enterprise is all about … this strategy keeps businesses alive"
"…crucial to building up a company’s good reputation and keeping it."
"…absolutely priceless. You’ll learn more from reading this book … than you will sitting in 25 classrooms listening to a bunch of people who have never had to meet a payroll."
Reviews of Lotus Notes 3 Revealed!
"Lotus Notes 3 Revealed! demonstrates how Lotus Notes fosters better communication and can improve the quality of everyday business processes by people working together."
"David Gewirtz’ animated and insightful anecdotes on how best to put Notes to work are truly revealing. This book is a must for those of us who wish to realize the full potential of Notes for business applications in the real world."